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Within a few days of taking office he had become the most unpopular man in the company.───他上任没几天,就成了公司里最不得人心的人.
Most of the land is planted with wheat.───大部分的土地都种上了麦子.
Li Bai and Du Fu figure most prominently in the history of Chinese poetry.───李白和杜甫在中国的诗史上居于出类拔萃的地位.
Most everybody talks about it.───几乎每个人都在谈论这件事.
Most CD-players are programmable.───多数激光唱片机都是程控的。
He has been ill most of the term.───这学期大部分时间他一直生病.
Most flashlights work on two batteries.───大多数的手电筒用两节电池.
The repairs will cost £35, at the very most.───修理费最多35英镑.
It will cost you 1000 yuan at most.
Lazy folks [people] take the most pains.
Most coughs are viral in origin .
The duke was the king's most trusted adviser.
Most Indian restaurants offer free delivery.