This transmutation of the old into new life is seen everywhere in China.───在中国到处可以看到这种从旧生活转变为新生活的事例.
They consist of twelve tablets of emerald green, formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation.───它们由十二块翠绿的石板(翡翠)所组成, 通过炼金术转变产生的物质形成.
It involves the transmutation of fear within you, first and foremost.───它会首先牵动你们的内在恐惧,引起嬗变.
The purpose of this information is to trigger one's personal ancestral karma for forgiveness and transmutation.───该信息的目的,是来触发你个人的祖先业力以原谅和转化.
And so began the lone transmutation, in the white artificial academic atmosphere.───如是便开始孤独的嬗变, 在善意的假的学术氛围中.
The transmutation of the elements was no longer the privilege of the radioactive substances alone.───元素的衍变不再是放射性物质独具的特点.
The real act of transmutation can be very difficult.───真正的转化行为会是非常困难的.
It is about the transmutation work that you are doing on the inside.───你是为了你正在做着的内在转化工作而来的.
The aesthetical transmutation of the pan - media era is closely associated with the new media technology.
This transmutation of the old into new life is seen everywhere in China.
The transformation of mediocrity into genius through transmutation.
Transmutation: A Promethean or Pandoran power.
The real act of transmutation can be very difficult.