Use your crane
The load was lifted by means of a crane.───重物是用起重机吊起来的。
A crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream.───了一台起重机把轿车从河里拉出来。
The cargo was hoisted aboard by crane.───货物由起重机吊上了船。
Visibility was terrible; the only way our driver could navigate was to crane his neck out a side window.───路上的能见度很差,我们的司机只能把头探出车窗外面,看着路面往前开。
I say to summarize such a wonderful life: the children play, chasing butterflies, elderly crane from hoe, childlike, all fun.───我用一句话来概括这样的美好生活,就是:“孩童嬉戏,追逐黄蝶,老人鹤发童颜,童心未泯,你来我往,普天同乐。”
But the sky crane has never been used before, and there is plenty else that could go wrong.───除“天空起重机”从未用过外,可能出岔子的地方还有很多。
We used a crane to lift the piano into the theatre.