I brought five cabinet members with me to discuss the popular uprising against globalization that we had witnessed in the streets of Seattle.───我带了五名内阁成员来讨论我们在西雅图街头目睹的反对全球化的民众起义。
It is true that the publicly acknowledged leaders of an uprising frequently write memoirs.───确实,那些公开承认的起义领导人经常写回忆录。
The late president Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown by a popular uprising in 1986.───已故总统费迪南德·马科斯于1986年被民众起义所推翻。
The Islamic Republic had its own revolt a year ago, after the stolen presidential election incited the uprising known as the green movement.───伊朗伊斯兰共和国在一年前自己的反抗,偷来的总统选举后煽动的绿色运动称为起义。
In one of his last speeches, made weeks after Tripoli fell and he was a fugitive, he exhorted Libyans to defeat the uprising.───的黎波里陷落后几周,流亡之中的他发表了最后一次演说,号召利比亚人民抵抗起义。
The Kochs, he said, are "trying to shape and control and channel the populist uprising into their own policies. "───他说科赫家族正在“努力引导、控制平民党员加入到他们的队伍中来。”
The reactionary regime was thrown down by an armed uprising.