Walk on tiptoe
脚尖───tiptoe;踮───Stand on tiptoe
She does not tiptoe through life taking cues from others.───她从来不依葫芦画瓢小心翼翼地生活.
He on tiptoe and reached as high as he could and the barrier was still there.───他吃力地踮起脚去触摸结界的上沿,企图发现些什么,可是一无所获.
Elephants can walk on tiptoe easily.───大象可以踮起脚尖走.
Stand a tiptoe to peep at the heaven.───踮起脚尖,窥视天空.
The tree, like the longings of the earth, stand a tiptoe to peep at the heaven.───树木, 像是大地的渴慕, 踮著脚尖向天堂窥探.
She walked into the room on tiptoe.───她踮着脚走进房间.
He walks as lightly as possible, almost on tiptoe, in order not to wear out his heels in too short a time.───他尽量轻轻地走路,几乎是用脚尖颠著走,就是为了不要太快磨烂鞋底。
She had to stand on tiptoe to reach the top shelf.───她得踮着脚才能够到顶层搁架。