Where do you like to sleep
Where there is oppression there is resistance.───哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗.
Where there's reek, there's heat.───哪里有恶臭, 哪里必发热.
Can you remember where he lives?───你记得他住在哪里 吗 ?
Stay where you are. You're not in my way.───在这儿待着吧,你碍不着我.
This is where the road to Oxford joins the road to London.───这是去牛津的路与去伦敦的路的汇合处.
Where did you dig up the fresh evidence?───你从哪儿弄到那些新证据的?
Trying to agree where to go on holiday set the family by the ears.───试图商定去哪里度假,结果造成了家庭不和.
An aerial photograph of the field shows clearly where the buildings were.───这一场地的空中照片清晰地显示出这些建筑物的位置.
He pointed to where the village lay.───他指了指村子所在的方向.
The rabbit tires and falls, landing inside the hollow trunk of a sycamore tree, where he is trapped.───兔子掉到了一棵无花果树的空树干里, 怎么挣扎也出不去.