Wrong exploration
枉───In vain;勘───Exploration
All our entreaties were in vain, and he was shot at dawn.───我们所有的恳求都是徒劳的, 他在天亮时被枪毙了.
He tried in vain to keep the two dogs apart before the neighbour intervened.───邻居过来帮忙前,他费了半天劲儿也没把两只狗分开。
They tried in vain to persuade her to go.───他们极力劝说她去,但枉费了一番口舌。
Throughout the Twenties, Lardner tried in vain to write a hit song, so at last he turned to parody.───整个20年代,拉德纳尝试着想要写出一首走红歌曲,可是都失败了,于是最后转向戏仿他人的作品。
I see I am speaking in vain to a hardened heart.───我明白了,对你这一副铁石心肠讲也是白费.
Who's been taking my name in vain? I don't hold such an opinion.───谁在滥用我的名义? 我不赞成这个建议.
All our efforts were in vain.───我们的所有努力都付诸东流了。
And only I who would wait and weep and wear out my heart in vain longing?───我只能哭泣着等待,把我的心折磨在空虚的伫望之中 吗 ?
I tried in vain to dispel her misgivings.