I saw, for the first time, what I really wasa thirty-year old woman with a husband of my own, and soon, a child of my own.───我第一次意识到真正的我一个有自己的丈夫,很快会有我们的孩子的三十岁的女人。
A was dark but had a large opening , whereas B wasa small opening.───洞穴比较黑但是有较大的开口, 而B则相反.
Rustan's and Santi's delicatessens.───斯坦和桑蒂的熟食店有 WASA 饼干。
The operation wasa delicate one, and he took the time to do it right, to take only what he wanted, nothing more.───手术很精巧,时间掌握的很好,只拿走了他想要的部分,一点也没多。
We were having a picnic, when suddenly there came a downpour wasa fly in the ointment.───当我们正在举行野餐的时候, 忽然大雨倾盆,未免大煞风景.
We were having a picnic, when suddenly there came a downpour wasa fly in the ointment.
I watched it and thought that this was what hell wasa fire that could not be stopped.
A few miles away at Ness Point near Lowestoft, the body of a man wasa found on the seashore.