We already have it
Profits have stagnated.───利润原地踏步。
The realisation that the murderer must have been a close friend came as a shock.───意识到杀人凶手一定是个密友,大家都很震惊.
The seats have no back against which to lean.───这些座位都没有靠背可倚.
The slaves of the old society have become the masters of the new society.───旧社会的奴隶变成了新社会的主人.
Have we got to the zoo yet?───我们到动物园了 吗 ?
If I'd known this beforehand, I would not have gone back.───早知如此, 我就不回去了.
His actions since that morning have been eccentric and unpredictable.───自从那天早晨,他的行动一直是反常而不可捉摸.
With a little care you could have avoided the mishap.───你要是小心一点,本来是可以避免这场不测之祸的.
What kind of snacks should we have?
What I have done is due to patient thought.
He seems to have vanished without trace.
Children have the qualities of the parents.
Fire and water have no mercy.