We can borrow books there
借书───Borrow books;在那里───There?
Do you borrow books or return books?───请问您是借书还是还书?
Some book and stationery stores maintain small rental libraries where anyone may borrow books for a daily charge.───有些书店和文具店保留了小型租书图书馆,任何人都可以在这里按日收费借书。
Thanks to mobile libraries, these people can still borrow books.───有了移动图书馆,这些人仍然可以借书。
We don't need to leave home to borrow books from a library or to do shopping in a supermarket.───我们不用再出门去图书馆借书来看,也不用再去超市里购物。
Kuangheng in the busy season, day laborers for rich people, not wages, so the only people borrow books for him.───匡衡就在农忙的时节,给有钱的人家打短工,不要工钱,只求人家借书给他看。
He was not allowed to play in a park or borrow books from a library.───他被拒绝在公园里玩和从图书馆借书。
Some men borrow books; some men steal book'and others presentation copy from the author.
I never care to borrow books from other people or a library. It seems that books bought can better satisfy my bibliomania than books borrowed.
It is convenient for university students to borrow books from opening shelves to utilize documents and materials. But it is also becoming serious trouble of putting the books on the shelves messily.
I will return time if I borrow books from library.