Xiaoqiang Qiang
Wait like bug of maggot of bee, fly, yellow pink, batty moth, cockroach, mole cricket.───如蜜蜂 、 蝇蛆 、 黄粉虫 、 蝙蝠蛾 、 蟑螂 、 蝼蛄等.
M : Kill it! Use the cockroach spray under the sink.───杀了它! 克蟑就放在水槽的下面.
The cockroach liftes Tao Zi up from the floor by her arms.───蟑螂把陶子从地板上搀了起来.
Put some food in a transparent box and watch how a cockroach eats.───在一个透明盒里放进一些食物,观察蟑螂如何进食.
Objective To observe the effect of AB cockroach attractant on Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica.───目的观察AB型蟑螂引诱剂对美洲大蠊和德国小蠊的引诱效果.
A cockroach can live several weeks with its head off.───蟑螂在头被切掉后仍能活好几个星期.
Enduring stomach attribute it into the medicine with cockroach powder.───胃痛,持续而且销魂.怀疑吃了蟑螂做的药.
A species of cockroach sprays a substance , ethylacrolein, that is a kind of tear gas.───某种蟑螂喷射一种催泪性毒气――乙 基丙烯 醛.