Xing Chong
The punishment for murder is death.───杀人者处死刑.
It's a question of finding the mean between too lenient treatment and too severe punishment.───问题是要找出处理过宽和处罚过严的折中办法.
They were threatened with punishment if they disobeyed.───他们受到恐吓,如若违抗就会受到惩罚。
The murderer attempted to escape from law punishment by spoiling his own face.───那个杀人犯企图自毁容貌以逃脱法律的惩罚.
Hopefully his punishment will act as a deterrent to others.───对他的惩罚但愿能起到杀一儆百的作用。
The case of Harris has sharpened the debate over capital punishment.───哈里斯案激化了人们对死刑的争论。
He was sentenced to capital punishment.───他被判处死刑.
Regarding the punishment, what would you advise?───关于处罚, 你有何意见?
Guilt always hurries towards its complement, punishment; only there does its satisfaction lie.
Punishment is justice for the unjust.
The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.
Community punishment is used for less serious offenders.
The punishment for murder is death.