You won't make it
Her success speaks for itself.───她的成功有目共睹。
She felt heady with success.───成功使她得意忘形。
The book ensured his success.───这本书保证了他的成功。
It's early yet, but it looks like another success for a company that, more than any other consumer brand, is synonymous with the new.───虽然言之过早,但是相比其他消费品牌而言,该公司取得的另一项成就是,它似乎已经成为创新的同义词(或代名词)。
On the surface, the policy response to that recession looks like a success story.───表面上,那次对衰退的政策反应似乎堪称典范。
Maybe, taking into consideration of his background as a newcomer, his superior only gave him a project with little hope for success.───也许是考虑到约翰·桑顿的资历还不够,上司就把一个没有多大希望的项目交给了他。