The apps' creators used a software development kit from a Chinese advertising company called Youmi, which allowed the developers to put ads in their apps. That's kosher.───这款应用的创始人使用了一款由名叫有米的中国广告公司提供的软件开发系统,这个软件让应用软件开发者可以在自己的应用里加入广告,这是可以的。
data collection does not appear to be the developers' fault, since Youmi was disguising the fact that its software was sending that data to its servers.───收集信息并不是软件开发者的失误,因为是有米在隐瞒事实,这些被窃取的数据实际上都是传回到了它自己的服务器里。
And the way Youmi designed the software hid that fact from the developers and Apple's iTunes App Store gatekeepers.───而且有米这个软件的设计方式将事实隐藏起来,使其不被使用它的软件开发者和苹果商店的守卫发现。