Yudu promises that any document you upload will be search engine optimized, making it show up in Google, and so on.───Yudo承诺你上传的文档会进行搜索引擎的优化,会使它展现在Google等搜索引擎上。
On the first day, local Yudu TV and newspapers show up to film our departure.───在我们出发的第一天,于都地方电视台和报纸的记者都来为我们的启程摄像拍照。
Afterwards, zhou Dunyi was appointed as Vice-Prefect of the Prefecture of Ganzhou. In Ganzhou and Yudu, he established academies and taught local people.───尔后,周敦颐又任赣州府通判,在赣州和赣州府所属的于都等地兴办书院、社学,教授邑人。
In my test, it processed my six page PDF and sent me the link in less than a minute.───我对此进行了测试,Yudu处理了我的6页的PDF文件并且给我发送了链接,时间不超过1分钟。
What Yudu is seriously lacking is support for other document formats and the capability to embed PDFs on third party sites.───Yudo现在严重缺乏对其它文档格式的支持,并且不能将PDF文档嵌入到其它网站上。