Yejiang Festival
爷───My lord;降节───Falling Festival
My lord, I am instructed by my client to claim that the evidence has been tampered with.───法官大人,本人受当事人委托,主张此证据已被人篡改。
What further commands has my lord?───我的主人,你还有什么吩咐呢?
If we feared anything we could never govern England, my lord.───我们要是怕这怕那,就不可能统治英国了, 我的大人.
I must say, my lord, you take our situation very coolly. Very coolly indeed.───爵爷, 你对于咱们的处境倒是满不在乎的,我要说, 太不在乎啦.
It is quite sound theologically, my lord. But the king will hardly care, provided he reign.───从神学观点说,这是无懈可击的, 阁下. 不过, 只要国王掌权的话,恐怕对此是不会在乎的.
Fore God, my lord, well spoken , with good accent and good discretion.───上帝在上, 老爷, 您念得好极了, 真是抑扬顿挫,曲尽其妙.
I will abide the coming of my lord.───我将等待阁下的到来.
He started from his instant's pause, and said in a low firm voice, " Not guilty, my Lord. "───他从这短促的思冥中惊醒过来, 用低微而坚决的声音回答: “ 无罪, 大人. ”
Good morrow to you, my lord.
Not only that, but my Lord Marc Antony regularly dosed himself with Nubian aphrodisiacs.
The Devil and his assistant trapped my Lord of Buckingham, a man much loved in these parts.
Look at him, my Lord.
Certes, my lord, I have the gelt to replace yon coffee pot.