We were convinced of the righteousness of our cause.───我们坚信我们的事业是正义的.
those who don't follow the path of righteousness and of justice?───那些不遵循正义和正义之路的人呢?
People like us must never seek petty advantages at the expense of justice and righteousness.───咱们这种人,万万不可以贪小利而忘大义.
Riches and honor are with me, Enduring wealth and righteousness.───箴8:18丰富尊荣在我.恒久的财并公义也在我.
For the wrath of man does not accomplish the righteousness of God.───20因为人的忿怒并不成就神的义.
Noah is saved specifically for his righteousness.───诺亚因为他的正直而被特意拯救。
China has always been known as a land of propriety and righteousness.───中国从来以礼义之邦著称。
China has always been known as a land of propriety band righteousness.───中国从来以礼义之邦著称.