content according with his pursuit for Yijin in the field of Chinese Traditional Art and designed a series of curriculum of Life Aesthetic Education.───宗白华在中国传统艺术中找到了符合其美学“艺境”追求的课程内容,并开发出了一系列以中国传统艺术为核心内容的生命美育课程。
Tam's Yijin Exercise Institute is registered as a not for profit organization.───谭氏易筋学会为一注册非牟利机构。
Promote Yijin exercise which includes: Yijin Stretching exercise, Taijiquan, and Brocade Aerobic.───推广易筋运动、活力八段锦、桩功、养生太极拳练习法。
Conclusion: The New Yijin treatment for Osteoarthritis of the Knee is effective, and is more significant effective than a simple way.───结论:新易筋疗法对治疗膝关节骨性关节炎疗效确切,与单纯手法相比疗效更显著。
abstract: Objective: To discuss the effect of New Yijin treatment for Osteoarthritis of the Knee.───目的:探讨新易筋疗法对膝关节骨性关节炎治疗有效性。
I see your face surprise, you won my branches, tears wet Yijin.───我看清了你脸上的惊讶,你捧起我的枝叶,泪湿衣襟。