The earth, an immortal monument, is engraved with the dedication of Yimeng people.───大地是一座永不磨灭的丰碑,铭刻着沂蒙山人无私的奉献。
His success can't be separated from the nurture and edification of Yimeng Culture.───离不开沂蒙文化对他的哺育与熏陶。
Yimeng Mountain Area refers to the region of the Yi and meng Mountains in Shantung Province.───沂蒙山区,指山东省的沂山、蒙山一带地区。
Additionally, artists have made some preparation for further exhumation of the connotation of Yimeng Mountains.───此外,艺术家们在开掘沂蒙山的内涵方面也作了一些准备。
Not long ago, one of our classmates Yang yimeng fell ill.───不久前我们班的杨一萌同学病了。
XINRAN XUE, a Chinese writer, describes visiting a peasant family in the Yimeng area of Shandong province.───薛欣然是一个华人作家,她描述了采访山东省沂蒙地区一个农民家庭的情景。
The south declivity of Yimeng Uplift and the slope places around Central Uplift are the important areas for surveying gas reservoirs in regional stratigraphic traps.