You Qing
幽晴───You Qing
Please do not lay this sinful title on me. Would killing you bring Qing back to life.───请你不要把这罪恶的称呼加在我头上。杀了你,能换回青女的性命么?
In fact, an English dictionary like the kind you use today wasn't made until the time of the Qing Dynasty.───事实上,你现在使用的这种英语词典是清代以后才开始编写的。
Yes, there were a lot of translators in late Qing dynasty. Do you know the most famous one, Lin Shu?───啊,晚清期间也涌现了很多翻译家,最出名的林纾,你知道吧?
You can hardly be more secure on your throne. I can't ruin you. Qing, why don't you leave us.───你的江山坐得稳稳的,我可没倾覆它。青女先回吧。
It's really lost without you in heart , really love you Qing Feng.───心中对你好不舍,真的好爱你。清风!