You are naive
Currently, JSF is an early access ( EA ) release, and, as a result, is somewhat immature.───目前JSF还仅仅是 EA 版本, 所以不是很成熟.
Immature and illiquid domestic capital markets damp domestic investment and increase reliance on foreign financing surpluses.───不成熟而且缺乏流动性的国内资本市场抑制着国内投资,增强了对国外资金的依赖.
He pretends he's been around but he's really very immature.───他装作老于世故,而实际上却很不成熟.
His speech is immature, his vocabulary limited.───他讲话不成熟,词汇量也有限。
Too fine or immature cotton.───棉纤维太细或未成熟.
His foolish behaviour is very immature for a man of 30.───他这种愚蠢的行为对于一个三十岁的人来说是非常幼稚的.
For malaria control : use young immature fruit for soup with rice.───不能成熟之果加米用来煮汤用于辅助治疗疟疾.
The birds were in immature plumage.───这些鸟儿羽翅未全。
Beside Shakespeare, Marlowe strikes us as an immature dramatist, especially in his comic scenes.