You are too naive
For malaria control : use young immature fruit for soup with rice.───不能成熟之果加米用来煮汤用于辅助治疗疟疾.
He said that we were emotionally immature.───他说我们在感情上是不成熟的。
Because of the immunity of the immature insects, it'simportant to spray regularly.───由于幼虫对药物有免疫力,因此必须经常喷药。
The abscisic rate varied in flower buds, flowers and immature pods of soybean.───大豆开花结荚期,不同发育阶段的幼蕾与花荚的脱落率不同,其中以花后5d内 的幼荚脱落最严重.
Too fine or immature cotton.───棉纤维太细或未成熟.
His speech is immature, his vocabulary limited.───他讲话不成熟,词汇量也有限。
This knowledge is really beyond the compass of her immature mind.───这门学问确实是超出了她那未成熟的智力范围.
Finally, the accumulation characteristics of immature oil are described in this paper.───最后探讨未成熟石油的成藏特征.
He was a young lad, very green, very immature.───他还是个毛头小子,幼稚得很,一点都不成熟。
She's immature intellectually, but she has a remarkable mature mind in other ways.───她在智力上还不成熟, 可是在其它方面她的头脑可异常的成熟.
Beside Shakespeare, Marlowe strikes us as an immature dramatist, especially in his comic scenes.