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Friction usually results in unwanted heat that flows into the atmosphere and is wasted.───摩擦导致产生不必要的热,这些热散失在大气中浪费掉了.
The unwanted radiation is referred to as background radiation.───这种有害辅射称为背景辅射.
You can give your unwanted goods to charity.───你可以将不要的物品捐赠给慈善机构。
They leave unwanted objects in drawers, cupboards and attics.───他们把暂时不需要的东西放在抽屉里 、 壁橱中和搁楼上.
She felt unwanted.───她觉得自己很多余。
Eliminate unwanted portions of picture when it is output.───在输出一张图片时去除不想要的部分.
He keeps dogs to ward off unwanted visitors.───他养了狗以防不速之客.
It was obscene to spend millions producing unwanted food.───耗资数百万去生产一些不需要的食品,真是令人发指。
Your kindness is unwanted.
She exposed her unwanted baby by the roadside.
Rivers have always been a dumping ground for man's unwanted waste.
She managed to divest herself of the unwanted property.
Have you any unwanted articles for the jumble sale?