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Color words


色辞───Color words


We can contrast this with the problem of learning color words.───学习色彩则有很大的不同。

English abounds with phrases containing color words.───英语中有很多含颜色词的词组。

Chapter three dissertates the dialects and ab extra color words in Chinese.───章论述汉语新词语的方言、外来色彩。

People who know English color words but ignore their social and cultural connotation will not be able to truly understand these color words.───仅仅了解颜色词的概念义而忽视其社会文化意义的人还不能真正理解这些颜色词。

The application of rhetoric of modern Chinese color words belongs to the concept of word rhetoric.───现代汉语颜色词的运用属词语修辞的范围。

Therefore, a contrastive study on cultural connotations of basic color words between Chinese and English is of much importance.───因此研究汉英基本颜色词的文化内涵具有一定的意义。


The sixth part is conclusion, summing up the characteristics of the basic color words and giving the meaning and shortcoming of the study.

The third part is to explore the cultural connotative meaning of Chinese color words.

The test was not designed to trip kids up. Far from it—we only tested basic color words, and we never made kids pick between confusable shades, like red and pink.

First penman carry on the quantity statistics on using color words frequency.

Do color words have analyzable, definable meaning?


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