Complex consideration
繁虑───Complex consideration
We believe our system for guiding these complex judgements appropriately balances the need for simplicity with the need for full and transparent consideration of all important issues.───我们认为我们的指导这些复杂的判断的系统达到了简单的需要和完全而明晰地考虑到所有重要方面的需要之间的平衡。
The formulas by which the stimulus money for public schools would be allocated to states and local districts are complex, but take into consideration numbers of school-age children in poor families.───给州和地区公立学校的资助金额计算公式非常复杂,但是考虑到了穷人家庭的学龄儿童。
divine designer is all but ruled out by the consideration that he must at least as complex as the entities he was wheeled out to explain.───神的设计师几乎不可能存在,考虑到他必须至少要像那些用他解释了无数遍的实体一样复杂。