A personal diet plan is devised after a consultation with a nutritionist.───经向营养师作咨询后,一份个人饮食方案设计出来了。
David gives the first consultation gratis.───戴维免费提供第一次咨询。
The decision was taken after close consultation with local residents.───这项决定是在与当地居民仔细磋商后作出的。
Consultation with a physician and prescription medication to "get off" the decongestant nasal sprays is often necessary.───谘询医师处方药“下车”减充血剂的鼻喷剂,往往是必要的。
'I think the administration is beginning to gear up for that, ' he said. 'There is more dialogue and consultation there.───他说,我觉得政府正开始促进这一点,现在正在进行更多的对话和磋商。
Yet this interesting position, after due consultation with his mother, he decided to take.───他跟母亲商量之后,还是决定把这个有趣的差事接下来。