If disobeying this, contractor has right to pursue client to compensate relative loss due to it.───如违反本条款, 承包人有权要求发包人赔偿相应的经济损失.
Relative fee due to water and power usage shall be charged from contractor.───施工期间的用水、用电等相关费用均由承包人负责.
To make the contract attractive, the contractor subtracted a tractor from it.───为了使合同有吸引力, 承包商从中减去了一台拖拉机.
The Detroit contractor was asked to kick $ 5 , 000 back as commission.───那个底特律的承包商被要求退还5000美元作为佣金.
Goal 1 The prime contractor selects qualified software subcontractors.───目标1:主签约人挑选有资格的子签约人.
The construction claim is a legal activity occurring the partythe contractand the party of the contractor.───施工索赔是承发包双方发生的一种法律行为.