Cartographer Andy Woodruff documents all the places he goes, resulting in the pretty map above.───制图师安迪·伍德拉夫记录下他所走过的所有地方,于是就有了上面这幅美丽的地图。
Flemish cartographer who developed the Mercator projection ( 1568 ).───麦卡托,格哈杜斯1512-1594佛兰芝地图的绘制者,发明了麦卡托投影法 ( 1568年 )
Added edit and delete buttons to custom maps in the Cartographer.───添加编辑和删除按钮来自定义地图的制图。
Mercator, the Flemish cartographer who projected the globe, learnt maths there.───地球仪的设计者,弗兰德地图制图学家——墨卡托,曾在那里学习数学。
Subjective judgments based on frequency graphs vary greatly from cartographer to cartographer.───根据频率图所作的主观判断,因编图人员不同而变化甚大.
A cartographer is a person whose job is drawing maps.───绘制地图者的工作是画地图。
Cartographer is a simple, efficient object relational mapper engine.───这是个简单 、 效的对象-关系映射工具.
Find a good cartographer. Though his maps may cost more, they are extremely accurate.───找一个好制图师. 价钱可能有点贵, 但是一分钱一分货嘛.