The ecological disaster is partly a product of letting everything rip in order to increase production.───出现生态灾难的部分原因是人们为了增产而不惜一切代价。
The disaster was seen as a judgement from on high.───这一灾难被视为上天的惩罚.
For Sandro, the new year brought disaster.───对桑德罗来说,新的一年带来的是灾难。
She could now no longer contain herself, and was convinced that some disaster was impending.───她此时按捺不住自己, 料想一定是凶多吉少.
The government's policy is an open door to disaster.───政府的政策为灾难敞开了大门。
I think it's a disaster in the making.───我认为这会是一场灾难。
They ascribed their disaster to an unkind fate.───他们把他们的灾难归于命不好.
This development could spell disaster for the steel industry.───这一发展有可能给钢铁工业带来灾难.
Last year's cotton crop was an unmitigated disaster.
His robust strength made him survive the disaster.
His robust strength made him survive the disaster.sentencedict.com/disaster.html
The region has been declared a disaster area.
The party was nothing short of a disaster.