disciples and followers
徒子徒孙───disciples and followers
A disciple is something completely different from a follower, and I would like to tell you to be my disciples but not my followers.───一个门徒是与一个追随者截然不同的东西,我会让你做我的门徒但不是我的追随者。
One of Christ's followers, the mother of his disciples James and John, came to Jesus with a request.───一个基督的跟随者,雅各和约翰的妈妈带着一个请求来到耶稣面前。
good leader has many followers or disciples. He is loved and respected by those led by him.───好的领导有感召力,他受到被领导者的爱戴。
However, the disciples and followers of Jesus were all wrong, absolutely wrong.───可是,门徒和一些拥戴耶稣的民众猜错了,完全错了。
The family of Zebedee was all Jesus' disciples and followers, and two of the sons were two of the leading disciples and apostles.───西庇太家族都是上帝的信奉者和追随者,那两个儿子则是信徒和使徒的领头人。