Please distribute these pamphlets among you and have a look to page 3.───请把这些小册子分发下去,看一下第3页.
To take note, distribute, take care of work order, duty record and duty list.───登记 、 分发 、 保管工程维修单 、 值班记录和值班表.
We didn't understand how difficult it was to distribute a national paper.───我们不了解分销一份全国发行的报纸有多难。
Susan: Where did the primary origins of salt distribute?───中国的产盐地主要分布在那里?
Some men ran off to a carpenter shop, brought nails andto distribute them among the crowd.───有几个人跑到一家木匠铺里取来铁钉,当场散发给群众.
Develop and distribute leading edge products to support our customer's business goal.───分发和发展前沿的产品以支援我们客户的业务目标.
Do not use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license.───若您不接受本授权条款的话,请不要使用 、 修改或散布这份套装软体.
Corporate dividend policy mainly focus on how to distribute profit after tax.───摘要股利政策主要讨论企业税后利润如何分配的问题,是企业的一项重要决策.
Distribute these pamphlets among them before you leave, will you?