Domineering Trio
霸气───Domineering;三人───Three people
Ji eliminate child, said: Not yet, still looking sharp and domineering.───纪消子说: 还不行, 还是目光犀利,盛气凌人.
Her domineering managerial techniques must have prejudiced the jury against her still more.───一定是她专制的管理风格使得陪审团更加不向着她这一边.
But they knew also the Chairman's domineering temper and tenacity.───可是他们也知道董事长的脾气就是那样专断,那样执拗.
Mick was stubborn and domineering with a very bad temper.───米克既固执又专横,脾气还很坏。
A Communist must never be opinionated or domineering.───共产党员决不可自以为是,盛气凌人.
Suggestions of domineering ministers sometimes affect the emperor's decisions.───权臣的提议有时会影响皇帝的决定.
Mick was stubborn and domineering with a very bad temper.───麦克既固执又刚愎自用,脾气还很坏。
That domineering manner of yours cuts no ice here with me.───你那种盛气凌人的态度在这里对我不起作用.