He was arrested for drunk driving.───他因为醉酒驾车被拘留了。
He gets aggressive when he's drunk.───他喝醉了就喜欢寻衅滋事。
He staggered home, drunk.───他喝醉酒,踉跄着回了家。
Here is a drunk guy. He wanted me to take a picture of him.───瞧,这个醉酒的男人,要我为他拍照。
It was the dancing girl, starred with jewels, clouded with a pale-blue mantle, drunk with the wine of her youth.───这是一位舞女,珠光宝气,披着淡蓝的斗篷,陶醉于美酒般的青春之中。
An obnoxious drunk stumbles into the front door of a bar and orders a drink, and the bartender says, "No way, buddy, you're too drunk. "───一个令人讨厌的酒鬼跌跌撞撞进入酒吧的正门,他点了一瓶酒,而酒保却说:「甭想了,老兄,你喝醉了。」