The old ideas are a drag on progress.───旧观念是进步的障碍.
Officials say they're so far apart on such a wide range of issues there's no telling how long the talks could drag on.───官员们声称他们在许多问题上分歧甚大,所以无法预见谈判将拖多久。
She is a drag to her parents.───她是她父母的一个累赘.
He walked with a drag.───他拖着脚走路.
Don't drag me into your plan.───不要强迫我参加你们的计划.
He felt that he had to drag himself out of his lethargy and begin to write.───他觉得自己必须打起精神,开始写作.
It will take two elephants to drag all this wood away.───需要两头大象才能把所有的木材拖走.
I don't want to go back there and drag up that anger again.───我不想再回到那儿,重提那件气人的事。
The sack is too heavy to lift-you'll have to drag it.