The area was covered in dense jungle.───这个地区丛林密布。
We fought our way through the dense vegetation.───我们在茂密的植被中开出一条通路。
This creature's fur is short, dense and silky.───这种动物的毛短、浓密且柔顺。
If it had been slightly more dense, it might have undergone gravitational collapse, just like the matter falling into a black hole.───假如它的密度比临界密度再高一些,将会导致重力塌缩,就像掉入黑洞的物质一样。
Hitachi also plans to come out with perpendicular drives this year, as well as an even more dense version of these types of drives in 2007.───日立公司也不甘落后,随即宣布将于年内推出自己的垂直记录式硬盘,并号称将于2007年推出具有更高存储容量的同类产品。
Hall said he has flown into Congonhas airport, and said he recalls that it has a very short runway and is located in a dense urban area.───孔戈尼亚斯机场飞行过,他回忆说跑道很短,并位于人口密集的市区。