I hate you! You're despicable.───我恨你!你真卑鄙。
Let us at least see our courts make an example of these despicable criminals.───让我们至少看到我们的法庭严惩卑鄙的罪犯们以示儆戒。
truly despicable was the deafening silence maintained by the candidates concerning the riots.───真正可鄙的是这些侯选人对暴乱所持的缄默态度。
If you buy stock in a despicable company, it means some of the previous owners of that company sold it to you.───如果你购买了一家卑鄙公司的股票,这意味着从前持有该公司股票的投资者把股票卖给了你。
That was pretty awesome today. He was some sort of device for you to look despicable in my eyes. It's your pattern with women.───他只是个被你利用的工具好让我觉得你卑鄙。你就是这么对付女人的。
He had not been so down since Milton had vilified him in that despicable piece of fiction, Paradise Lost.───自从被密尔顿在那部无耻的小说《失乐园》里诋毁名誉以来,生活从未如此低落。