I will subscribe to any eulogy of him.───我愿把所有的赞词都奉献给他.
Sir, such is my eulogy of the expedition to China.───先生, 这就是我对远征中国的赞赏.
He needs no eulogy from me or from any other man.───他们不需要我或者任何一个人来称颂.
His former friend delivered the eulogy on his funeral.───追悼会上,他的生前好友致了悼辞.
a eulogy to marriage───婚礼颂词
Mother had written a beautiful eulogy which she intended to read before we scattered the ashes.───母亲还写了一篇优美的悼文,打算在我们撒骨灰前诵读一遍.
He pronounced a eulogy upon the hero.───他向英雄致颂词.
Indeed, no eulogy could be more grandiloquent than this.───真是恭维备至.
He was the most self-effacing of men - the last thing he would have relished was a eulogy.