Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.───达尔文最终提出了一套生物进化的理论模式。
We're dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.───我们正在解决的可能是我们所知的人类进化过程中缺失最大的一环。
I have moved from trying to model and understand the distribution and evolution of water vapour.───我已经不再试图构建和理解水汽的分布和演变的理论模式了。
Great Work is at the heart of blue ocean strategy, of innovation and strategic differentiation, of evolution and change.───它就像是蓝色海洋战略的核心,代表着创新和变幻的策略,进化和改变。
The next major evolution is in composing experiences that bring together lots of disparate elements into a single context.───下一个主要演变为组合到单个上下文一起大量不同的元素的体验。
It will also be possible to construct a fine-grained picture of human evolution, and of how and when humanity spread around the world.───它也会让绘制出人类进化的清晰画面,以及知晓怎样和合适人类散布到世界各地成为可能。