And if you think I exaggerate, try it.───如果你认为我夸大其词, 那麽不妨打开电视试试.
She did not exaggerate about the height of the tower.───她没有把塔的高度夸大.
A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms.───画家可能会夸大或扭曲形状与形式。
Don't exaggerate the difficulties of your work.───别夸大你的工作困难.
These figures exaggerate the loss of competitiveness.───这些数字夸大了竞争力的丧失。
I do not want to exaggerate the case for a ban.───我不想夸大实施禁令的理由.
Bob has a tendency to exaggerate things.───鲍勃有爱夸张的倾向.
Don't exaggerate.───别夸张。
We can't exaggerate his scientific attainment.