Much of that money goes on star players, as the team strives - with mixed results so far this season - to live up to its exalted reputation.───该俱乐部力求不辜负其盛名,把很多钱花在了球星身上——不过从本赛季到目前的情况看,结果喜忧参半。
In her face there was that exalted serenity that sometimes came to her at moments of deep feeling.───在她的脸上呈现出心满意足的宁静,这种神情只有她陷入激情时,人们才能看到。
She was still insane, but was no longer able to express her wandering ideas in the wild notes of her former state of exalted imagination.───她仍处于颠狂的状态中,但是已不能够再用狂野的调子来表达她放荡不羁的思绪了。
The victorious students ran through the street in an exalted state of excitement.