eagerly expecting
眼穿───eagerly expecting
Iam eagerly expecting to discuss the related matters with you as soon as possible.───殷切期望有机会尽早与您商讨有关事宜。
I gazed at it eagerly for a long while, not expecting that my grandpa, who was always unskillful to speak out his love, would buy it for me.───我只是眼巴巴地望着它,没想到一向不善于表达宠爱的爷爷,竟然会买下它送给我。
We are here - "M&C" , a place fully filled with infinitude intelligence and wishes, and eagerly expecting for your upcoming visit.───在这里——“阿莫斯”,一个充满无穷智慧和无限希望的地方,我们热切期盼着您的到来。
Compared to being eagerly expecting to have, being calmly fearless to lase is more close to happiness.───幸福,不在于急切地期待拥有,而在于从容地不惧失去。