lure of this view — egoism — has two sources, one psychological, the other logical.───这一观点——利己主义——的诱惑有两个来源,一个是心理上的,另一个是逻辑上的。
To repent of egoism: is autobiography the best method?───对自私的忏悔:自传是最好的方式吗?
It was not egoism or narcissism, he insisted.───他说,这不是自我中心,更不是自恋。
These factors make them more vulnerable to a culture of medicine that reinforces egoism, cynicism, and a sense of entitlement.───这些因素使他们更容易受到对自我主义,玩世不恭,自命不凡推波助澜的医学文化的伤害。
A vigorous struggle must be launched among the young people against egoism, liberalism and the decadent way of life.───必须在青年中发动一场有力的斗争,反对个人主义,自由主义和颓废的生活方式。
Man is surrounded by a shell called "egoism. " He lives in it and thinks of nothing but himself.───人类被一个叫“自我主义”的外表包裹着,他们生活在里面想着整个世界除了自己就在没别的了。