Enterprise financial management major
Finance is Mark's area.───财务是马克负责的范围。
He's the director of the finance section.───他是财务处处长。
There remains the problem of finance.───财政问题仍然存在。
So far the silver bullet is still missing, but it is likely that several sources of finance will have to be tapped .───目前,皆大欢喜的解决方案还是没有,也许需要同时借助几种不同的融资渠道。
"It was really just a question of time, " said Michael Pettis, a finance professor at Beijing University.───“这真的只是个时间早晚问题,”北京大学金融学教授迈克尔·佩蒂斯(MichaelPettis)表示。
IT MAY be a year since the fall of Lehman Brothers, but the main questions about the future of the finance industry have yet to be settled.───据莱曼兄弟控股公司倒闭大概已一年了,但关于金融产业未来的诸主要问题还有待解决。