His erudition was apparently endless.───他的学问显然博大精深。
The subject which researches MIAO nationality culture has already become an internationally erudition.───苗族文化历史悠久、内涵丰富,以苗族文化为研究对象的苗学已经成为一门国际显学.
Naturalists catered to polite society's desire for erudition – many texts had an explicit instructive purpose.───自然迎合上流社会的愿望博学-许多文本有明确的指导目的.
To stimulate higher education with the students to become a complete human being with erudition.───藉由高等教育的刺激,培育学生拥有饱满学识的完整人格.
And in public appearances he does not even try to disguise his erudition.───在公开露面的场合,他也不刻意隐瞒他的博学多闻.
His erudition exasperated the average reader, and was sometimes queried by the expert.───他的博学使一般读者气结, 有时也被专家提出质疑.
I hadn't realized that there could be so much erudition about a matter like this.───我没想到这样一件事竟有这么大的学问.
His erudition was apparently endless.───他显然学识渊博。