Freight consignment
The colour of the shipment is much darker than that of your previous consignment.───这批货的颜色比上批要暗许多.
Title to the goods sold in the consignment before the consignment is still people.───货物的所有权在寄售地出售之前仍属寄售人.
Please also cover the Risk of Breakage for this consignment.───请为我们这批货加保破碎险。
Under the consignment shop structure, banks would consign only assets with doubtful values.───根据寄售商店的结构, 银行只寄售价值不清的资产.
This last consignment of hosiery is quite up to standard.───这批新到的针织品完全符合规格.
The consignment appears to have been roughly handled and left near a heater.───看来货物未受到细心的处娌,并且被放置于加热器附近.
We expect to close out the balance of you consignment in the next few days.───我们预料几天后将你寄售货物的剩余部份减价售出.
The salesman sorted his new consignment of stockings.───推销员把新到的一批长袜清理分类.
Their consignment of bananas was / were bad.