The second is about the Fuxi and Nuwa myth that narrates the creation of human being.───其次是关于人类创生的女娲和伏羲神话。
Organic chromium in tea soup and suspended chromium in Fuxi river water are main forms in existence.───茶汤中铬主要以有机态存在,而河水中铬则主要以悬浮态存在。
And another book said Nuwa and Fuxi were cousins.───但是另一种传说是:女娲是与伏羲为兄妹.
Born in Puban and Leize, Chinas Fuxi and Nuwa are compared with Adam and Eva.───出生于蒲阪雷泽,被誉为中国之“亚当”和“夏娃”的伏羲与女娲, 是人首龙身或人首蛇身.
image of Maijishan intertwined dragons has no concern with Fuxi Nuwa in Chinese traditional culture.───麦积山石窟交龙龛饰图像与中国传统文化中的“伏羲女娲”无关。
In antiquity , Huaxu , thethe , was born the, and gave birth to Fuxi , the, N ü wa.───远古时代, 诞生于阆水之滨的 人祖华 胥,在这里孕育了伏羲女娲兄妹.
The three plays of Fuxi, Thunderstorm and Phedre all contain the literary archetype of incest and patricide.
He is Humane Primogenitor. fuxi devoted all his life to progress of mankind, created new chapters of culture and science.
To repay Fuxi and Nuwa for their part in the rescue, the Thunder God pulled a long canine tooth from his mouth and gave it to them saying.