Organic farming is expanding everywhere.───有机农业在各处发展。
The new technology was applied to farming.───这项新技术已应用于农业。
His father started him off farming.───他父亲指点他做农活儿。
the poor old peasants at the bottom of the heap probably never realised that they were now farming "colonial" land.───处于底层的穷人老农民大概从来没有意识到他们现在耕种的是“殖民地”了。
For that farming community in Nampula, and millions like them around the developing world, biotechnology could literally change everything.───对于楠普拉的农业区和发展中国家成百万的那样的人们,生物科学技术简直就可以改变一切。
Can be part of the migrant workers back to farming, but many have no way of the drain, must be rehoused in other ways.───部分民工可回乡务农,但不少却已是无地的外流人员,必须以其它方法安置。