Finger washing
洗指───Finger washing;缝───seam
Massaging his gums is another way to soothe his discomfort - after washing your hands, rub his gums gently but firmly with your finger.───按摩他的牙床是另一种缓解疼痛的方法:洗完手后,用你的手指柔中带劲地按摩宝宝的牙床。
With the wide variety of ethnic finger foods available today, along with classics such as french fries and nachos, should more of us be washing our hands before sitting down to eat at restaurants?───在这个各种各样的民族小吃和法式薯条以及墨西哥烤干酪辣味玉米片这些经典的食物共同存在的年代里,我们是不是应该在坐在餐馆里准备开吃前去洗下手呢?