Goose factory
The big white goose became a black goose.───这只雪白的大鹅变成了一只黑鹅。
Don't shoe the goose.───不要给鹅穿鞋子。
It's time for bed, little goose, little goose.───该睡觉啦,小小鹅,小小鹅。
I got goose bumps. Paul had already committed, and Dan and I decided to follow his lead.───我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩了.Paul已经确定参加,我和Dan也决定一起加入。
He might have taken some comfort in that if he had not been trussed up like a goose and lashed to a saddle.───若没被捆得像只鹅还被拴在马鞍上的话,他会更舒服点。
I brought a bouquet of her mom's favourite flowers and sat down next to her on the part when Goose dies.───我带了一束她妈妈最喜欢的花,挨着她在沙发上坐下来一起看壮志凌云,演到高斯死的那一部分,我们就跳过去。
He got a goose egg on his maths test.