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I'm looking at the small print; I don't want to sign anything that I shouldn't sign.───我在读小体印刷的细则,我不想在不该签的文件上签字。
Their battle cry will be: "Sign this petition before they sign away your country."───他们呐喊的是:“在他们卖国之前,在请愿书上签名。”
sign read 'No admittance'.───告示牌上写着“禁止入内”。
Saying No is not a sign of weakness, it is an indication that you know your own strengths and are able to prioritise.───说“不”并不证明你无能,说“不”可以反映出你知道自己的能力何在而且懂得优先考虑。
I can sign a contract up to a year. I don't know where I'll be after that.───我能签最多长达一年的。我不知道一年后我会在哪里。
If you often hear others say the word "naive" , it's a dangerous sign that your imagination is about to leave you.───如果你对别人经常说“幼稚”两个字,这就是你的想象力即将离开你的危险信号。